Mission Moon

 1.The Mission of Chandrayaan-3

India is launched Chandrayaan-3. The cost of the mission is Rs. 615 croces. This is ISRO most difficult mission to date. Chandrayaan-2 was to execute a soft landing on the Moon. Now Chandrayaan-3 want to recite this mistake. This is golden opportunity for India to show our improved technology to the world.

 # Chandrayaan-3 landing location 

There is one special thing about Chandrayaan-3 and that its landing location. Earth and Moon a one-side relationship. You must know that the Earth is tidally locked to the Moon. Meaning that only one side of the moon is always visible to Earth and not another side.

Dark side of Moon
 41% of the moon remain hidden from the Earth. Similarly, there are large craters on the south pole of the Moon. Where sunlight has not reached for billions of the years. 

# Chandrayaan-3 space mission benefit 

By studying these craters, we can get important information about the origins of our solar system. It is believed that water may be hidden in these craters. We're not talking about tiny quantities 100 million ton of water. At the same time, it is through to be a source of essential resources like Hydrogen, Sodium, Ammonia, Mercury and Silver. This location can become an important stop for upcoming space missions.

 2.The Mission of Chandrayaan-2

Four years ago, the main objective of Chandrayaan-2 was to execute a soft landing on the Moon. Chandrayan lunch has successful. In fact, we successfully completed the distance of 3,484,400 kms from Earth to Moon. but while landing inspire of being only half kilometer away from the surface of the Moon. 

we could not land due to a software glitch. The plan was that Vikram Rover would study the Moon surface for 14 days and send us the information. But the mission was left incomplete due to the failure of communication devices. 

3. What was the improvement in Chandrayaan-2 and Chandrayaan-3?

Lander separation 

    1. Payload 

our payload in the 2019 mission was a bit more complicated there were three main components. The lander, rover and orbiter. In 2023 mission our payload has been simplified, this time we only have the rower and the lander. In 2019, our orbiter completed its mission, so this time there was no need to include the orbiter. 

    2. Powerful landing

The team of Chandrayaan-3 has learned the important lesson from the mistakes of Chandrayaan-2. The leg of our lander has been made strong than the earlier version so that is can better resist the impact of landing and survive the landing. Earlier our engine was not that powerful. So it could not reduce its speed in the time before landing and it fell some 750 meters away from the exact spot. Where it was supposed to land. 

Now the engine capacity of our lander has been increased. At the same time, a hazard detection system has also been added to it. 

     3. Instruments 

Chandrayaan-3 is going to have an instrument named SHAPE which means "Spectro-Polarimetry of Habitable Planet Earth". SHAPE will read Earth's data and use it to find habitable exoplanets outside our solar system. 

      4. Launch Vehicle

The launch of chandraayan-3 is important because of one more reason and that is the LVM 3 launch vehicle. Which is capable of carrying 30% more weight than our first GSLV mark 2 launch vehicles. We can send heavier payload into space. 

      5. Cost 

We launched Chandrayaan-2 for approximately Rs. 968 crores. By the way, this cost is 3 times less than the Avenger: End game. But now we have become more efficient and the total budget of Chandrayaan-3 is going to be approx. Rs.615 crores. This is the proof of our increasing efficiency.

4.Why is Chandraayan important?

Chandrayan is important not only for India's space program but also for India's economy. Ofthen when we watch a space documentary, it seems that the moon is not far form the Earth. But the truth is, there is a huge distance between the moon and the earth that all the solar system can fit in between. The Moon is very far. 

The moon become a great platform to study earth. We can collect data about our Earth, and plan future missions. They can be used for weather pattern detection as well as in case studies for exoplanets.  Moon is a not satellite but a geopolitical milestone. When we talk about moon landing, we see image Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin in front our eyes but very few people would know USSAR reached the moon with Luna-2, that too 10 years before the Apollo 11 mission. Russia has never sent human in the Moon, but it was the first reach the moon. 

5.How many countries soft landing on the moon?

A soft-landing means safe landing. That is, the spacecraft should be safe after landing. This soft landing is very important because once we prove that ISRO can execute a soft landing. Then we can take up important international space project. There are only three countries in the world that have done soft landing on the moon. America, Russia and China. Nasa is doing space projects like today and earing money. We can take a few projects too. We definitely reached the moon in 2008 through Chandrayaan-1 but it was a moon impact probe that did a hard landing.